Limiting E-Mail Alerts
CompletedIt would be nice to have fewer e-mail alerts, either by default systemwide or as a setting we can adjust. In particular, I don't need to be e-mailed a copy of the messages I sent, since I sent them. And if I have multiple open threads with my CPA (about different questions on the questionnaire, say), I wouldn't want to have an e-mail about each one of them. I'd rather have just a single e-mail alert that says "you have a message" (or new task, or documents to upload, or whatever). Then I wouldn't get any more e-mails until the next time I log out of the system. (In other words, no repeat notifications about different messages.)
Hi David. Thank you for the feature request. The ability to control which system generated emails you want or do not want to receive is in the works. Our goal is to release those options in May. As we get closer to the release date and as I get more details on the specific options I will update this feature request.
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