Hey everyone, here's what's new in TaxCaddy this month:
1041 signature requests
If your tax professional has created a 1041 tax return profile in your TaxCaddy account, they may now begin sending you 1041-related requests. After opening your 1041 tax return, these requests will appear under the To Sign section of the Requested Items tab.
Click the document tile to begin fulfilling the request.
Click here to learn about signing document requests in TaxCaddy.
Tax payments
We've made it easier to locate a previously uploaded tax payment. In the Tax Payments tab, you'll notice the new search feature in the top-right. With this, you can search for payments by: Payment Type, Payment To, Voucher Name, Amount Due, or Status to locate a specific payment.
Click here to learn more about viewing tax payments in TaxCaddy.
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