Hello! Here's what's new in TaxCaddy 3.9 for Web.
Delete account
You can now permanently delete your TaxCaddy account. Deleting your account will also delete your spouse's account after the 72 hour grace period is over.
Click here to learn more about deleting your account.
The Delete Account dialog box will allow you to download all of your documents, tax returns, tax payments, and invoices before your account is deleted permanently. During the grace period, your spouse and other connect user can also sign in and download your documents manually.
If you deleted your account by accident then you can sign back in within the 72 hours grace period to cancel your account deletion. However, once the grace period is over, your account will be removed permanently.
Note: Account deletion will not be canceled if your spouse or an Admin user accesses your account during the grace period.
Spouse Notifications
Spouse user can now set their own email and push notifications preferences.
Click here to learn more about updating your notification preferences.
Design Updates
Changes to the UI were made to improve the user experience. The following features have been redesigned with an updated look:
Sign up
The sign-up process has been redesigned with an updated UI.
Click here to learn more about creating your account.
Tax Pro Request
After accepting your tax professional connection request, the Tax Pro Request panel will be renamed to Request from [Your connected firm name].
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