Here's what's new in TaxCaddy.
Logging in for the first time
You will now see a new user interface when logging in for the first time. The new user interface makes it easier to set up two-factor authentication, select a default tax year, accept a connection request from your tax professional and add a spouse (if applicable).
Click here to learn more about creating your account and logging for the first time.
Default Tax Year step
On the Default Tax Year step, you can select the tax year that appears by default when you sign in. You can also toggle between tax years at any time irrespective of the default tax year.
Tip: You can click Skip this to skip to the next step without selecting a default tax year. You can also change the default tax year from the Settings screen.
Click here to learn more about setting up a default tax year.
Connection Request step
The Connection Request step only appears if you have a pending connection request from your tax professional.
Click ACCEPT CONNECTION to accept a connection request from your tax professional.
Click SKIP to continue without accepting a connection request from your tax professional. You can also accept the connection request from the Overview screen.
Add Spouse step
On the Add Spouse step, you can add your spouse user then click SEND INVITATION. If you do not have a spouse, click I do not have a spouse then click CONTINUE. You can also click Skip this to go to the next step. You can also add a spouse user from the Settings screen.
Click here to learn more about adding a spouse user from the Settings screen.
Design update
You will now see an updated design on the Overview screen.
Click here to learn more about the Overview screen.
Overview screen will now automatically resize based on the screen size.
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