You can use the following methods to add charitable contributions to TaxCaddy:
Upload Word or Excel documents
You can create an Excel or Word document of your charitable contributions then upload the documents to TaxCaddy.
Once you have created your Word or Excel document, upload the document to TaxCaddy.
Click here to learn more about uploading documents from TaxCaddy.
When uploading documents, you can place your donations in the appropriate category (i.e. Charitable Contributions or Non-Cash Contributions).
Click Add New... to create a subcategory, then click UPLOAD.
The uploaded document will be placed under the Uploaded Documents tab.
Upload letters and receipts with TaxCaddy mobile app on iOS and Android
You can also use the TaxCaddy mobile app to take a photo of your charitable contributions receipt or letter.
Click here to learn more about taking a photo or uploading a document with TaxCaddy mobile app.
Take a photo using iPhone
Select the appropriate category (i.e. Charitable Contributions or Non-Cash Contributions).
Take a photo using Android.
Select the appropriate category (i.e. Charitable Contributions or Non-Cash Contributions).
Message your tax professional from TaxCaddy
Once you have uploaded your charitable contributions, you can create a message thread to notify your tax professional.
You can message your tax professional with the amount you contributed without uploading a document.
Click here to learn more about creating a new message thread.
Replying with amount
If you tax professional has sent a document request for your charitable contributions then you can either upload the document or reply with an amount.
Click here to learn more about replying with an amount.
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