You can change the tax year at any time while viewing documents, messages, tax returns, and invoices. You won't see any documents, returns, messages, or invoices if there has been no activity for that tax year. Documents and returns uploaded for previous tax years won't be removed, and you can still see them by changing the tax year from the menu. The tax year will revert back to the default tax year each time you log in.
Click here to learn more about changing the default tax year. on PC, Mac, or tablet
Follow these steps to view a different tax year:
Log in to
You can select different tax years from the Documents, Messages, Tax Returns, Tax Payments, or Invoices screen.
To view a particular tax year, on the top left, click the Tax Year menu to select the relevant tax year.
Documents, messages, returns, and invoices are only visible under the tax year they were created in by your Tax Professional. Your Tax Professional can place invoices due from a different tax year in a selected tax year. For example, your Tax Professional can make an invoice due the previous year under the current year.
The tax year will revert back to the default tax year each time you log in.
Click here to learn more about changing the default tax year.
New user will only be able to see the current tax year and the previous tax year.
Previous tax years not available to tax professionals
When viewing a previous tax year(s), you may see a banner notification displaying YOUR TAX PROFESSIONAL NO LONGER HAS ACCESS TO TAX YEAR [Tax Year]. Once a previous tax year has passed a certain time period, tax professionals can choose not to have access to documents, messages, or any other information from that tax year. Actions you make on your account will only be visible to you and any additional user (i.e. spouse user, other additional users) connected to your connected.
iOS mobile app
Follow these steps to reply with an amount on your iOS mobile phone app.
Sign in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
On the bottom, tap to go to your desired location (i.e. Documents, Messages, Tax Returns, Tax Payments, or Invoices).
To view documents, messages, tax returns, tax payments, or invoices for a particular tax year, tap the tax year on the top left to select a different tax year.
Documents, messages, returns, and invoices are only visible under the tax year they were created in by your Tax Professional. Your Tax Professional can place invoices due from a different tax year in a selected tax year. For example, your Tax Professional can make an invoice due the previous year under the current year.
Swipe up or down to select the applicable tax year then tap SELECT.
Previous tax years not available to tax professionals
When viewing a previous tax year(s), you may see a banner notification displaying Warning: Your Tax Pro Has Limited Access. Once a previous tax year has passed a certain time period, tax professionals can choose not to have access to documents, messages, or any other information from that tax year. Actions you make on your account will only be visible to you and any additional user (i.e. spouse user, other additional users) connected to your connected.
Android mobile app
Follow these steps to reply with an amount on your Android mobile phone app.
Sign in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
Tap the Menu
On the menu panel, tap to go to your desired location (i.e. Tax Documents, Messages, Tax Payments, Tax Returns, or Invoices)
- Tap the Tax Year
Swipe up or down to select the applicable tax year then tap SELECT.
Documents, messages, returns, and invoices are only visible under the tax year they were created in by your Tax Professional. Your Tax Professional can place invoices due from a different tax year in a selected tax year. For example, your Tax Professional can make an invoice due the previous year under the current year.
Previous tax years not available to tax professionals
When viewing a previous tax year(s), you may see a banner notification displaying Warning: Your Tax Pro Has Limited Access. Once a previous tax year has passed a certain time period, tax professionals can choose not to have access to documents, messages, or any other information from that tax year. Actions you make on your account will only be visible to you and any additional user (i.e. spouse user, other additional users) connected to your connected.
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