If you have trouble connecting with your financial institution, it may be due to Third-Party restrictions being enabled. Some financial institutions disable access to Third-Party tax preparation software by default. Check the account settings page on your financial institution's website to see if third-party access is disabled.
Connecting Smart Links with your financial institution may take 24 hours to process.
Charles Schwab
If your Charles Schwab Smart Link hasn't connected in 24 hours then you may have Third-Party Access disabled.
Follow these steps to enable Third-Party Access:
- Log in to your Charles Schwab account.
- On the top navigation menu, point to Service, then click Security Center.
- Scroll down to the Third-Party Access to Account Information section, then select Enable Third-Party Access.
- Click Save.
- Once you enabled third-party access, go back to TaxCaddy and add the Charles Schwab Smart Link again.
If your financial institution requires you to receive and verify a security code (Two-factor authentication) each time you log in, then the Smart Link will not be able to automatically check and retrieve documents every day.
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