To make sure you receive emails from TaxCaddy, you should add to your list of safe senders. "Whitelist" or the entire domain name to make sure our emails go to your inbox. If you have trouble receiving emails from TaxCaddy after following these instructions, contact support.
Whitelist an Email Sender in AOL
You must add the email address or corporate domain of the sender to your address book or custom sender list to make sure email gets delivered to your AOL inbox.
- First, click on the "Spam Controls" link on the lower right side of your inbox screen.
- A "Mail and Spam Controls" box will appear.
- Now click on the "Customer Sender" list link and choose the "Allow email from ..." option.
- Enter, then click "add" and "save."
In more recent versions of AOL, you can also simply add the name of the sender to your Contacts list. AOL will then recognize that this is someone you want to communicate with. Just click on the sender's email address. A menu should drop down. Select "Add Contact."
Whitelisting Senders and Domains Using AOL WebMail
Replying to an email from a sender you want to whitelist will automatically add the list as a safe sender if you're using AOL webmail.
Email from that domain will then be delivered straight to your inbox. The software will recognize that it's not spam.
1 comment
Where do you see "Spam control" link ?
I see no such link anywhere I see a spam folder but no spam control link
Are you looking at some older version of AOL ?
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