If you're having trouble logging into your TaxCaddy account, here are some things you can try.
After following the instructions below, if you are having difficulty logging in or resetting your password then please contact TaxCaddy Support team for further assistance.
Click here to learn more about getting help from TaxCaddy Support.
TaxCaddy.com on PC, Mac, or tablet
Follow these steps to reset your password using TaxCaddy.com on your PC, Mac, or tablet.
Go to taxcaddy.com and click LOG IN.
Click Having trouble logging in?
If you access TaxCaddy through an email from your tax professional that has now expired or you can no longer find this invitation link, click Send me a New Login Link.
Click here to learn more about sending yourself a new link to log into TaxCaddy.
Type your email address in the input field, then click Send. Note, the email address must be associated with your TaxCaddy account.
TaxCaddy confirms if an account exists for that email.
If you set up a password for your account then TaxCaddy will send you an email to reset your password. Click the link in the email to reset your password, before it expires in 30 days. Open your email with the subject line "Reset your TaxCaddy password" then click Reset Password.
Skip to the next step if you were logging into TaxCaddy without a password using the link sent to your email address.
Resetting a password successfully unlocks an account that has been temporarily locked out due to failed log in attempts.
If you have not set up a password for your TaxCaddy account and were logging into TaxCaddy using the link sent to your email with a temporary SMS verification code sent to your phone, then you will be sent a new email that will allow you to log in again for the next 2 weeks.
Skip to the next step if you don't see the following options. You may get an option to select either security questions or a mobile phone (Recommended) to reset your password. Select your option, then click CONTINUE.
You have a maximum of 3 attempts to reset your password. If you exceed 3 attempts, you will not be able to reset your password. You have to request TaxCaddy Support to reset your password manually.
If you see the Enter Verification Code option, provide the verification code texted to your phone number, enter a new password in the New Password field, then type the password again in Confirm Password. Click RESET PASSWORD to reset your password.
If you choose to use your security question, type the answer to the security question into Answer, type a new password into New Password, then type the password again in Confirm Password. Click RESET PASSWORD to reset your password.
Log in to TaxCaddy using the new password.
iOS mobile app
Follow these steps to reset your password using the iPhone mobile phone app.
Start the TaxCaddy mobile app then tap Having trouble logging in?
Provide the email you use with your account then tap Send.
Click OK in the confirmation.
Follow the link in the email sent to you to reset your password, before it expires in 30 days. Click Reset Password.
Resetting a password unlocks an account that has been temporarily locked out due to failed log in attempts.
Skip to the next step if you don't see the following options. You may get an option to select either security questions or a mobile phone (Recommended) to reset your password. Tap to select your option, then tap CONTINUE.
You have a maximum of 3 attempts to reset your password. If you exceed 3 attempts, you will not be able to reset your password. You have to request TaxCaddy Support to reset your password manually.
If you selected Security Question then answer your security question, enter a new password, then click RESET PASSWORD.
If you are unable to answer your security questions, contact Support or email support@taxcaddy.com.
If you selected to verify your account through Phone Number then enter the verification code sent to your mobile phone, enter a new password, then click RESET PASSWORD.
Android mobile app
Follow these steps to reset your password using the Android mobile phone app.
Start the TaxCaddy mobile app then tap Having trouble logging in?
Provide the email you use with your account then tap SUBMIT.
Follow the link in the email sent to you to reset your password, before it expires in 30 days. Click Reset Password.
Resetting a password unlocks an account that has been temporarily locked out due to failed log in attempts.
Skip to the next step if you don't see the following options. You may get an option to select either security questions or a mobile phone (Recommended) to reset your password. Tap to select your option, then tap CONTINUE.
You have a maximum of 3 attempts to reset your password. If you exceed 3 attempts, you will not be able to reset your password. You have to request TaxCaddy Support to reset your password manually.
If you selected Security Question then answer your security question, enter a new password, then click RESET PASSWORD.
If you selected to verify your account through Phone Number then enter the verification code sent to your mobile phone, enter a new password, then click RESET PASSWORD.
If you are unable to answer your security questions, contact Support or email support@taxcaddy.com.
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