Smart Links with document retrieval accounts create a link between TaxCaddy and your financial institution, allowing TaxCaddy to retrieve documents (e.g. W-2, 1098, 1099) directly from your financial institution the moment they're added (and once every 24hrs after that) to save you from uploading your documents yourself.
Click here to see the full list of financial institutions with which TaxCaddy can connect.
Don’t worry, we will only use this information to transfer your tax documents from your institution to your TaxCaddy account. We use the highest industry-standard 256-bit SSL data encryption to ensure the safety of your personal information. Click here to see our Smart Links Security page for information on the privacy and safety of your documents. on PC, Mac, or tablet
Follow these steps to add a Smart Link to a document retrieval account using on your PC, Mac, or tablet.
Log in to
Click the User Menu on the upper right corner, then click Smart Links.
Alternatively, if this is your first time adding a Smart Link then you will see TRY SMART LINKS on the first panel under Quick access options. Cick TRY SMART LINKS to add a Smart Link.
- Use the Search box to find your financial institution, or click a selection from the list.
Enter the USERNAME and PASSWORD you use to log into the financial institution, then click SUBMIT.
You can click the Unmask
icon to make your password visible as you type.
To confirm if you selected the correct financial institution, click Confirm this is the correct Smart Link institution. If you are able to view the correct website for your financial institution and able to log in, then you have selected the correct financial institution.
TaxCaddy will begin establishing a Smart Links connection. You can wait for the connection to be established or click CHECK BACK LATER. You do not need to log in while TaxCaddy is establishing a connection.
Connecting Smart Links with your financial institution may take 24 hours to process.
The Smart Link will appear on the screen while the connection is in progress.
Connection Status Action Buttons Descriptions Request submitted REFRESH Connecting Smart Links with your financial institution may take 24 hours to process. Once connected that status will update automatically. You can also click REFRESH to manually see an updated status.
Action Required FIX IT TaxCaddy is unable to connect with one of your accounts. Click FIX IT to address the connection issue. Account Linked EDIT Smart Link has connected successfully. No action is required. -
The Smart Link will be added while the connection is in progress. You will see the REFRESH button while the connection request is running in the background. The REFRESH button will be removed once the Smart Link status has been updated.
You may receive an authentication code if your financial institution requires additional verification. The authentication code must be verified in 10 minutes before it expires.
- When TaxCaddy confirms the account was added, you can click Add Another Smart Link to add another Smart Links account. Otherwise, click Done.
You will see a toast notification appear on the bottom if a Smart Link is broken or needs additional information. Click FIX IT to fix your Smart Links connection.
Click here to learn more about updating or fixing a broken Smart Link.
Enter the required information in the Smart Links window, then click Submit.
You may need to answer some security questions in order to authenticate the client's login credentials.
Provide the required information, then click Submit. If your financial institution requires two-factor authentication, you may be prompted to provide additional information in order to validate your identity.
Once your account credentials and other required information have been validated, TaxCaddy will import any tax-related documents from the account once per day.
Linked accounts will stay linked each year, unless removed manually or disconnected due to incorrect password.
If your financial institution requires you to receive and verify a security code each time you log in, then the Smart Link will not be able to automatically check and retrieve documents every day.
If your Smart Link hasn't connected in 24 hours, then remove the Smart Link and try again. You may also log in to your financial institution's main site to check if your account is locked, or check if Third-Party Access is restricted.
iOS mobile app
Follow these steps to add a Smart Link on your iPhone mobile phone app.
Log in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
On the Overview screen, tap the Try Smart Links panel. You may need to swipe left or right to view different panels.
Use the Search box to find your financial institution, or make a selection from the list.
Enter the USERNAME and PASSWORD you use to log into the financial institution then tap SUBMIT.
The Smart Links processing screen will appear. Establishing a connection may vary in duration. Tap I will check back later to continue using TaxCaddy while the Smart Link is being processed in the background.
Connecting Smart Links with your financial institution may take 24 hours to process.
You may receive an authentication code if your financial institution requires additional verification. The authentication code must be verified in 10 minutes before it expires.
Once your account credentials and other required information have been validated, the Smart Links processing screen will update if the Smart Link connected successfully.
Tap DONE to close the Smart Links processing screen.
The same financial institution can not be simultaneously added twice. If you share a bank account or have different accounts with the same financial institution, then you will only be able to add one account at a time.
For example: If your Charles Schwab bank account is connected with Smart Link, then your spouse's Charles Schwab account can not be connected with Smart Links unless you remove your Smart Links connection with Charles Schwab.
You'll see a Broken Link on the Smart Link panel to indicate that it needs your attention. Tap the Smart Link.
The status of the account updates to Action Required if additional information is needed. Tap the Smart Link to address the issue
You may be prompted to correct the information you provided or to provide additional information. Enter the required information, then tap SUBMIT.
Once your account credentials and other required information have been validated, the status of the connected account updates to Account Linked. TaxCaddy will import any tax-related documents from the account once per day.
Linked accounts will stay linked each year, unless removed manually or disconnected due to incorrect password.
If your financial institution requires you to receive and verify a security code each time you log in, then the Smart Link will not be able to automatically check and retrieve documents every day.
Android mobile app
Follow these steps to add a Smart Link on your Android mobile phone app.
Log in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
On the Overview screen, tap the Try Smart Links panel. You may need to swipe left or right to view different panels.
Use the Search box to find your financial institution, or make a selection from the list.
Enter the username and password you use to log into the financial institution and then tap Submit.
To confirm if you selected the correct financial institution, click Confirm this is the correct Smart Link institution. If you are able to view the correct website for your financial institution and able to log in, then you have selected the correct financial institution.
Smart Links processing screen will appear. Establishing a connection may vary in duration. Tap I will check back later to continue using TaxCaddy while Smart Link is being processed in the background.
Connecting Smart Links with your financial institution may take 24 hours to process.
You may receive an authentication code if your financial institution requires additional verification. The authentication code must be verified in 10 minutes before it expires.
Once your account credentials and other required information have been validated, the Smart Links processing screen will update if the Smart Link connected successfully.
Tap DONE to close Smart Links processing screen.
The same financial institution cannot be simultaneously added twice. If you share a bank account or have different accounts with the same financial institution, then you will only be able to add one account at a time.
For example: If your Charles Schwab bank account is connected with Smart Link, then your spouse's Charles Schwab account cannot be connected with Smart Links unless you remove your Smart Links connection with Charles Schwab.
You'll see a Broken Link on the Smart Link panel to indicate that it needs your attention. Tap the Smart Link.
Tap the Smart Link to address the issue.
You can also swipe right to edit the Smart Link.
You may be prompted to correct the information you provided or to provide additional information. Enter the required information and then tap OK.
Once your account credentials and other required information have been validated, the status of the connected account updates to Account Linked. TaxCaddy will import any tax-related documents from the account once per day.
Linked accounts will stay linked each year, unless removed manually or disconnected due to incorrect password.
If your financial institution requires you to receive and verify a security code each time you log in, then the Smart Link will not be able to automatically check and retrieve documents every day.
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