If you can't log in to your TaxCaddy account because you forgot your password, then click here to learn more about resetting a forgotten password.
TaxCaddy.com on PC, Mac or tablet
Follow these steps to update your password using TaxCaddy.com on your PC, Mac, or tablet.
Log in to TaxCaddy.com.
On the upper right, click the User Menu, and then click Settings.
On the Settings tab, click Password.
Type your current password into the CURRENT PASSWORD field. Type a new password into UPDATE PASSWORD and then type the new password again into CONFIRM PASSWORD.
Click Save.
Your password is updated and TaxCaddy prompts you to log in again using the new password.
iOS mobile app
Follow these steps to update your password using the iPhone mobile phone app.
- Sign in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
Tap More
on the navigation tab bar then tap Settings.
Tap Update Password.
Tap Current Password and type your current password.
Tap New Password then type a new password.
Tap Confirm Password then type your new password again. When finished, tap Save.
Android mobile app
Follow these steps to update your password using the Android mobile phone app.
Sign in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
Tap the Menu
Tap Settings.
Tap Update Password.
Tap Current Password and type your current password.
Tap New Password then type a new password.
Tap Confirm Password then type your new password again. When finished, tap OK.
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