When you log in to TaxCaddy, the first thing you see is the Overview screen. You get a brief snapshot of everything in your account in one place. Requests from your tax professional will appear in a task list. You can click each task to view the appropriate screen that will help you complete that task. You will also see quick access options that will help you quickly upload documents to the relevant tax year, view tax payments that are due, and access tax returns.
TaxCaddy.com on PC, Mac, or tablet
Table of Contents:
Introducing TaxCaddy's Overview screen
This article covers the Overview screen when using TaxCaddy.com on a PC, Mac, or tablet.
The Overview screen is primarily divided into a header, Task List, and Quick Access Options.
Header (top section): Allows you to navigate to different screens in TaxCaddy, use the search feature, go to user settings, activity feed, switch accounts (Admin users only), and update Smart Links.
Click here to learn more about the top header section.
Task List (left panel): Requests from your tax professional will appear in the new Task List. You can click each task to view the appropriate screen and complete that task.
Click here to learn more about the Task List.
Quick Access Options (right panel): Each panel is a shortcut that allows you to quickly perform an action without navigating away from the Overview screen.
Click here to learn more about Quick Access Options.
The top header allows you to:
- See your connected tax professionals logo.
- Navigate to different screens in TaxCady.
- Go to your settings, switch account (admin user only) from the user menu, or view the latest activity on your account.
- See notifications
- Search in your TaxCaddy account
Firm Logo
If your account is connected with your tax professional, then your tax professional's logo appears on the top-left.
Navigation menu
Navigation to Overview, Documents, Messages, Tax Returns, Tax Payments, and Invoices appear on the top bar. Each link will take you to a new TaxCaddy screen.
User menu
On the upper right side, you can click your user profile to expand the User menu.
Here you can access Settings, Activity Feed, Help, Tutorials, and Smart Links. You can also Log Out.
If another user has added you as an additional user to their account then you can click Switch Account to toggle between their account and yours.
Click here to learn more about adding a spouse or an additional user.
Spouse users do not see Switch Account since their accounts are already connected to the taxpayer's account.
If you were added as an additional user then click here to learn more about being an additional (admin) user.
The notification menu will show announcements and tips. A red badge indicates new notification(s).
You can use the search feature to search for documents, tax payment vouchers, etc. To search, click the Search icon on the upper right side.
Search results will auto-populate as you type. You can quickly search for documents, tax returns, tax payment vouchers, and questions from the questionnaire.
Task List
On the left panel, each item in the Task List is an action item requested by your tax professional. When your tax professional needs you to review, sign, or upload a specific document, you will see the task appear in the list.
You can click each item listed to load the relevant task on your screen to the right of your task list:
Your pending Sign requests that your tax professional has sent you will appear to the right of your Task List. From here you can review the document requiring your signature, and fulfill this pending Sign request.
Click here to learn more about signing documents as a taxpayer user.
When clicked, your Document Request task will open a list of documents that your tax professional has requested that you upload. You can address each of these requests, and your progress will be denoted in your Task List.
Click here to learn more about uploading a requested document.
Your Questionnaire task will open your firm's questionnaire to the right of your Task List. Help your tax professional gather information regarding life events this past calendar year that could impact your tax returns.
Click here to learn more about filling out the questionnaire.
You're able to fulfill Tax Payments from the Overview screen. Once clicked, a list of both PAID and UNPAID tax payments will be listed. You can click a tax payment to review the document attached.
Click here to learn more about viewing tax payments.
In addition to the task types listed above, you will also be able to fulfill these tasks all from the Overview screen as well:
- Review documents to fulfill your Review tasks.
- View task return documents to fulfill Tax Returns tasks.
- Pay pending invoices to complete your Invoice tasks.
Once you complete a task, a green checkmark will appear next to the name of the item in your task list.
Your overall progress in the completion of your tax professional's requests for your current phase will appear at the top of your task list.
Annual Task List reset
In order to keep your Task List applicable to the current tax year, TaxCaddy will annually remove some pending tasks from your Task List. These tasks include:
- Upload, Review, and non-KBA Sign requests
- Questionnaire and Confirm Personal Information
- Tax Returns
The following tasks will remain on your Task List after the annual reset:
- Sign requests with Knowledge-Based Authentication
- Tax payments
- Invoices
Pending tasks removed from the Task List can still be viewed and fulfilled from their respective section of your TaxCaddy account (for example Sign, Upload, and Review requests will be found in the Requested Items section of your account).
Quick Access Options
Each panel lets you quickly perform an action. You can upload tax documents, add your first financial institution via Smart Links, view tax payments that are due, and view your tax return summary when your tax professional prepares your return. You can click each panel to perform the action or view additional details.
The top panels let you upload documents directly into your desired tax year. You can drag and drop a file inside the panel or click the panel then upload the document from there.
You also click Try Smart Link on the upper left panel to connect to your financial institutions for automatic retrieval of your documents.
Click here to learn more about adding Smart Links to automatically retrieve documents.
If you do not see the Try Smart Link option then you can access add Smart Links from the user menu on the upper right corner. Click your name on the upper right corner then click Smart Links from the drop-down menu.
On the lower left panel, you will see a Tax Returns panel where you can quickly view your tax returns summary. You can click the panel to go directly to the Tax Returns screen where you can select the tax return. The tax return values will only appear when updated by your tax professional.
On the lower right panel, you can view your upcoming tax payment(s) that is due. Click the panel to view the tax payment voucher in TaxCaddy's Document Viewer panel.
If the tax payment has not been marked as paid and the due date has passed then the status color will change to red.
iOS mobile app
The Overview screen gives you a brief look at requests from your tax professional and the ability to upload documents.
Unread message(s) | Appears when there are unread messages. Tap the icon to view the Messages screen. | |
Announcement | Shows announcements or tips from TaxCaddy. | |
Search | Searches documents, tax payment vouchers, etc. To search, click the Search |
Requests from your tax professional will appear in the Task List. You can tap each task to view the appropriate screen and complete that task.
Tap +UPLOAD to snap a photo of your tax document or upload a document from your device.
Tap Take a Photo to take a photo of your document using your device.
Tap Upload Files to upload a document from your device.
Tap the Questionnaire request in Tax Pro Requests to access your questionnaire.
Quick Access Options
The Quick Access Options appears below your requests, you can swipe left/right to see different panels. Each panel is a shortcut that allows you to quickly perform an action.
Smart Links: The first panel allows you to add Smart Links to connect with your financial institution. Connected Smart Links will automatically retrieve documents from your financial institutions.
Click here to learn more about Smart Links.
View Tax Returns: Allows you to view your tax returns summary. You can tap the panel to go directly to the Tax Returns screen where you can select the tax return. The tax return values will only appear when updated by your tax professional.
View Upcoming Tax Payments: You can view your upcoming tax payment(s) that is due. Tap the panel to view the tax payment voucher in the Document Viewer window.
You can tap the panel you want to access.
Navigation to Overview, Documents, Messages, Tax Returns, and Settings can be found at the bottom of your screen.
Android mobile app
The Overview screen gives you a brief look at requests from your tax professional and the ability to upload documents.
Menu | Navigates to different screens in TaxCaddy. You can go to Overview, Tax Documents, Messages, Tax Returns, Settings, Help, and the ability to Logout. | |
Unread message(s) | Appears when there are unread messages. Tap the icon to view the Messages screen. | |
Announcement | Shows announcements or tips from TaxCaddy. | |
Search | Searches documents, tax payment vouchers, etc. To search, tap the Search |
Requests from your tax professional will appear in the Task List. You can tap each task to view the appropriate screen and complete that task.
Tap the Upload icon to snap a photo of your tax document or upload a document from your device.
Tap Take a Photo to take a photo of your document using your device.
Tap Upload Files to upload a document from your device.
Tap the Questionnaire request in Tax Pro Requests to access your questionnaire.
Quick Access Options
The Quick Access Options appear below your requests, you can swipe left/right to see different panels. Each panel is a shortcut that allows you to quickly perform an action.
Smart Links: The first panel allows you to add Smart Links to connect with your financial institution. Connected Smart Links will automatically retrieve documents from your financial institutions.
Click here to learn more about Smart Links.
View Tax Returns panel allows you to view your tax returns summary. You can tap the panel to go directly to the Tax Returns screen where you can select the tax return. The tax return values will only appear when updated by your tax professional.
View Upcoming Tax Payments Due: You can view your upcoming tax payment(s) that is due. Tap the panel to view the tax payment voucher in the Document Viewer window.
You can tap the panel you want to access.
Tap the menu on the upper left to navigate to Overview, Tax Documents, Messages, Tax Returns, Settings, Help, and the ability to Logout.
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