Hi! Here's what's new in TaxCaddy on iOS!
Overview Redesign
We completely redesigned the Overview screen from the ground up and made some major improvements along the way. When you log in you will see a completely new Overview screen.
Click here to take a full tour of the Overview screen in detail.
The Announcement panel is now a Notifications icon. You can tap the Notification icon to see announcements and tips. The red badge icon indicates new announcements.
Quick Access Options
The Quick Access Options appears on top, you can swipe left/right to see all panel. You can add your financial institution via Smart Links, view tax payments that are due, and view your tax return summary when your tax professional prepares your return. You can also tap each panel to perform the action or view additional details pertaining to that panel.
Task List
Requests from your tax professional will appear in the task list. You can click each task to view the appropriate screen and complete that task.
Click here to take a full tour of the Overview screen in detail.
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