TaxCaddy has partnered with CoinTracker to help you manage your cryptocurrency tax needs accurately and efficiently. If you bought, sold, or exchanged cryptocurrency or non-fungible tokens (NFTs), CoinTracker can help you compute your capital gains, capital losses, and other income items. CoinTracker connects with exchanges & wallets, automatically reconciles crypto activity, and produces tax forms that can be used by tax professionals to prepare tax returns. CoinTracker connects with your crypto wallets and exchanges, automatically reconciles crypto activity, and generates your tax forms for you.
Click here to learn more about using CoinTracker with TaxCaddy.
Click here to create an account and get started.
CoinTracker Discount!
TaxCaddy users get up to a 53% discount on CoinTracker software. Create an account to get started.
What is CoinTracker?
If you bought, sold, or exchanged cryptocurrency or non-fungible tokens (NFTs), CoinTracker is a must-have tool to compute your capital gains, capital losses, and other income items. CoinTracker connects with your exchanges & wallets, automatically reconciles your crypto activity, and produces tax forms which is used by your tax professional to file your tax returns.
Is CoinTracker safe?
CoinTracker only requires read-only access of your exchanges & wallets to reconcile your taxes. Therefore, CoinTracker does not have any control over your funds.
Do I have to pay for CoinTracker?
CoinTracker is often free to use for simple users, including viewing your portfolio and filing taxes under 25 transactions a year. However, if you have more transactions or if you work with a tax professional, a paid plan may be required. Your tax professional is also able to purchase the needed plan on your behalf while working on your account.
How to use CoinTracker?
- Sign up for a CoinTracker account here if you don’t already have an account.
Click here to create a CoinTracker account. - Connect your exchanges & wallets to CoinTracker
- To add your wallets & exchanges, visit the Add Wallets page. When you select your exchange or wallet from the Wallet Type drop-down, the right side will display instructions on how to connect that particular exchange or wallet with CoinTracker. Depending on the exchange or wallet selected, transactions can be imported through an API or imported by a CSV file.
- If your exchange or wallet isn’t appearing on the dropdown, this means CoinTracker doesn’t have a direct integration yet, but your transaction history can still be imported here. It is highly recommended to import all transactions, even from exchanges and wallets without direct integrations.
- Note: To ensure accuracy of your tax reports, it’s very important to connect ALL exchanges & wallets you transact in a given year.
- Click the “Add tax professional” button on the Tax Center and invite your tax professional to review your transactions.
- In this step, your tax pro can help you reconcile your transactions and download the necessary tax forms to file your taxes.
- Note: You can also reconcile transactions by yourself, download the tax forms and submit them to your tax pro for tax preparation. However, it is highly recommended to invite your tax pro to CoinTracker to avoid any potential mistakes you might make when reconciling transactions.
How to export tax forms to TaxCaddy
Once you or your tax professional are done reconciling your CoinTracker account and have resolved any transactions that need review, you or your tax professional may download your tax forms (8949 and/or schedule 1) into TaxCaddy by clicking on the Download toTaxCaddy icon in the “Tax filing software” section of the Tax center.
Log in to TaxCaddy, then drag and drop the tax documents in the upload section. You can also click the upload section to open the upload window.
Click here to learn more about uploading documents to your TaxCaddy account.
I have more questions. How can I contact CoinTracker?
Please visit CoinTracker’s online help center
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