Fillable PDF forms
You can now fill out PDF forms using your iPhone.
Move documents between tax years
You can now move documents between tax years after tapping the menu button next to a document and tapping Move to Another Category.
Click here to learn more about moving documents.
Upload documents to a different tax year
You can now upload documents to a tax year different than the one you're currently viewing.
Click here to learn more about uploading documents.
Authenticate with your password when updating security questions
You will now be required to authenticate with your password when updating your security questions.
Click here to learn more about updating your security questions.
Informational popup when changing default tax year
When you change your default tax year, you'll now see an informational popup.
Click here to learn more about changing the default tax year.
Smart Links activity in Activity Feed
Your Activity Feed will now show activity related to Smart Links (previously known as Connection to financial institutions).
Click here to learn more about the Activity Feed.
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