Here’s what’s new in TaxCaddy.
Note: TaxCaddy for iPhone 1.3 was also recently released. Click here to learn about TaxCaddy for iPhone 1.3.
Upload from Google Drive and Dropbox
You are now able to upload documents from Google Drive and Dropbox.
Click here to learn about uploading documents.
Share saved or downloaded documents with TaxCaddy
You can now share documents and photos stored on your phone to TaxCaddy by tapping the menu button when viewing a photo or document, selecting Send file, and then selecting TaxCaddy.
Click here to learn about sharing saved or downloaded documents with TaxCaddy on your phone.
Default document name
When adding a document by taking a photo, the document name will be [tax year]_[category short name]_[sub category]. For example, a 2016 W-2 (Wages) assigned to a subcategory named SurePrep would be named 2016_W-2 (Wages)_SurePrep.
Default tax year
You can now change your default tax year from Settings.
Click here to learn about changing your default tax year.
Message sender’s profile picture in search results
When a message appears in search results, you will now see the sender's profile picture.
Character limit in messages
When sending a message, you will now see the number of characters you have remaining and will not be able to type additional text once the remaining characters reaches zero.
Push notifications for tax returns
You will now receive push notifications when a new tax return is uploaded by your tax professional.
Contact support
You can now contact support directly from the TaxCaddy app in the Help section of Settings.
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