Here's what's new in TaxCaddy for iOS 1.1.
Note: TaxCaddy for Android 1.1 was also recently released.
Click here to learn about TaxCaddy for Android 1.1.
Upload from Dropbox or Google Drive
When uploading documents, you'll now have a choice to upload documents from Dropbox or Google Drive.
Click here to learn about uploading documents.
Undo actions
You can now undo the following actions from Latest Activity - marking a requested item as Doesn’t Apply, marking a requested item as Already Provided, and deleting a document.
Click here to learn how to undo actions.
Push notifications
You can now receive push notifications on your phone when there’s new activity on your account. Subscribe or unsubscribe to push notifications in Settings.
Click here to learn more about notifications.
Special characters in password
You can now use special characters in your passwords, including the following: ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/
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