If you accidentally deleted an uploaded document or indicated that a requested item does not apply or was already provided, you can undo the action at any time.
TaxCaddy.com on PC, Mac, or tablet
Follow these steps to undo an action when using TaxCaddy.com on your PC, Mac, or tablet.
Log in to TaxCaddy.com.
You can undo an action from the Activity Feed. To view the Activity Feed, go to any of the following screens:
- Documents
- Messages
- Tax Returns
- Tax Payments
- Invoices
- In the Activity Feed panel, point to the action you want to undo and then click Undo This.
If you need to undo an action that was not recent, click View Full History to see the complete history of actions on your account.
Once deleted, Undo This can only restore Uploaded Documents. You cannot restore deleted Tax Returns or Tax Payments.
- TaxCaddy confirms the document or request was restored.
iOS mobile app
Follow these steps to undo actions using Latest Activity on the iPhone mobile phone app.
Sign in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
Tap More on the navigation tab then tap Activity Feed.
The full activity page is displayed. Locate the action you want to undo and tap Undo.
You'll see a message indicating that the action was reversed.
The Latest Activity will now include the undone action.
Android mobile app
Follow these steps to undo actions using Latest Activity on the Android mobile phone app.
- Sign in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
Tap the Menu
Tap Activity Feed.
The full activity page is displayed. Locate the action you want to undo and tap Undo. In this example, we're restoring a deleted document.
You'll now see that the action has been undone.
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