Don't worry, we will only use your Smart Links (Document Retrieval Account) credentials and related information to transfer your tax documents from your financial institution to your TaxCaddy account.
Encrypted data and communication
Credentials for your document retrieval account Smart Links are encrypted from the moment you enter them, so nobody can ever see or steal your data as it is transmitted to or from your account. No matter what device you use, from your desktop browser to your mobile phone, your data is always sent using 256-bit SSL – the highest standard communication security.
Secure servers
We use Amazon Web Services, so all data is processed and stored on servers managed by a large, publicly traded company whose entire reputation rests on ensuring the privacy, safety, and security of their customers’ data. On our servers and in our database, your credentials are encrypted utilizing AES 256-bit encryption, which is the highest encryption standard available today. Access to systems that hold your data is strictly limited and constantly monitored. Our servers are maintained in a climate-controlled, physically secure environment that can only be accessed by biometric scans.
Read-only service
Your tax documents are delivered directly to your TaxCaddy account – no other service gets access to your documents, nor are they stored anywhere else. If you choose to delete any of the documents in your TaxCaddy account, those documents are permanently deleted – you maintain full control of your tax documents.
Immediate deletion
You can delete any (or all) of your document retrieval account Smart Links any time you want. When you delete a Smart Link, we remove your credential information effective immediately.
Bank-level security
Your account credentials are safe with us. We apply bank-level security practices, including encryption, auditing, logging, and back-ups. Additionally, we utilize third-party services to test our service for security issues – including scanning our ports, testing for SQL injection, and many other potential security weaknesses.
TaxCaddy has been independently audited, tested and validated by C-Level Security, LLC. The C-Level Certified Seal verifies that TaxCaddy employs the strictest security steps for safeguarding your data.
TaxCaddy is used by some of the largest tax and accounting firms in the world.
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