Smart Links with document retrieval accounts create a link between TaxCaddy and your financial institution, allowing TaxCaddy to retrieve documents directly from your financial institution the moment they're added (and once every 24hrs after that) to save you from uploading your documents yourself.
See our Smart Links Security page for information on the privacy and safety of your documents. on PC, Mac, or tablet
Follow these steps to remove a Smart Link to a document retrieval account using on your PC, Mac, or tablet.
Log in to
On the upper right, click the User Menu, then click Smart Links.
You can also access Smart Links from Settings.
Click Remove Connection to delete this Smart Link. Click Cancel, to exit without removing the smart link.
If a linked account is removed, you would need to link the account again in order for TaxCaddy to import any new tax documents.
Click Done.
iOS mobile app
Follow these steps to remove a Smart Link on your iPhone mobile phone app.
Log in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
Tap Smart Links to open the Smart Links section. You can also tap the green badge on the top right of the panel to open the list of added Smart Links.
You can also access Smart Links from Settings.
The Smart Links screen will show a list of all Smart Links. Swipe left the Smart Link you want to remove, then tap Delete to remove the Smart Link.
TaxCaddy asks if you are sure you want to delete this account. Tap Delete.
If a linked account is removed, you would need to link the account again in order for TaxCaddy to import any new tax documents.
Android mobile app
Follow these steps to remove a Smart Link on your iPhone mobile phone app.
Log in to the TaxCaddy mobile app.
Tap Smart Links to open the Smart Links section. You can also tap the green badge on top right of the panel to open the list of added Smart Links.
You can also access Smart Links from Settings.
The Smart Links screen will show a list of all your Smart Links.
You can now swipe left to delete a Smart Link.
On the Confirm Delete dialog box, tap Delete.
Alternatively, you can tap on a disconnected Smart Link then tap the Delete icon.
If a linked account is removed, you would need to link the account again in order for TaxCaddy to import any new tax documents.
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